Tuesday, 26 February 2013

It's Creative Crafting time!

Time to pop the kettle on, sit back and relax with the latest edition of Creative Crafting, our fabulous free online craft magazine.


Saturday, 23 February 2013

Put a spring in your step with CRAFTfest

Yes CRAFTfest is almost upon us again. With a whole week of stalls online selling everything from patchwork to pet accessories, there's a whole world of fabulous handcrafted goods just waiting for you.

 So pop the dates in your diary to do a spot of sofa shopping. Or, if you're feeling crafty why not grab yourself a stall? With prices starting at just £5.00 for the whole week you'd be mad not to.

For more information on booking a stall visit the CRAFTfest website

Friday, 22 February 2013

I'm Back!

Oh my poor neglected blog, how I've missed you...

I've been very busy indeed since before Christmas moving house and having the resulting lack of internet access until Tuesday but now I'm back and raring to go.

Curtains are the order of the day at the moment. I'm in the middle of a lovely order for a customer in New York who has been buying lots of fantastic fabric remnants for me to make closet curtains for her apartment. I love orders like this; make and invent as you go along. So watch out for the finished products and see what I've managed to eek out of the left over pieces. I'm thinking cushions, bags, rucksacks...